Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Earth Dragon (Rocky)

The Earth Dragon (nicknamed Rocky by Cole) was the Dragon Guardian of the Scythe of Quakes and Cole's pet.

Sensei Wu placed the Earth Dragon as a guard of the Scythe of Quakes in the Caves of Despair. The Scythe was placed in the Dragon's mouth.

Many, many years later, the Earth Dragon was awoken when four ninja, Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane, removed the Scythe from his mouth. He scared off Samukai's skeleton army, and proceeded to assault the Ninja in order to protect the weapon. Kai ended up using the Scythe to cause a cave in, bringing down rocks on the Dragon's head. This only served to slow the beast down, but the Ninja were still able to escape. Later, the Ninja used him as a mount for Cole in order to cross over to The Underworld to recapture the weapons.

The Earth dragon has a very rocky skin, so much so that he could camouflage himself as a pile of rocks with ease. He has large brown wings with holes in them, and a spiked tail.

In the set, 2509 Earth Dragon Defense, he is missing the wings, but instead has a green frill around his neck. He is one of two Dragons whose forelegs are separate from his wings, the other being the Lightning Dragon. He is the only Dragon with a different head design from all the others.

  • The Earth Dragon lacks wings in its LEGO set appearance despite it having wings in the TV show.
  • He has a different head shape than the other Dragons.
  • He was the first Dragon that was encountered.
  • He appeared in Lego Battles: Ninjago as a Goliath Battle Mode boss.
  • Cole is very close to Rocky, more than Jay, Kai and Zane are to Wisp, Flame and Shard.

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