Sunday, December 15, 2013

Rise of the Snakes

Peace has come over Ninjago, and the Ninja are taking a break from training to play video games. After being scolded by Sensei Wu, Nya comes running in, announcing that Lord Garmadon had returned and was spotted heading to Jamanakai Village. The Ninja rush off and fly there on their dragons. When they arrive, the supposed "Lord Garmadon" was actually Lloyd Garmadon, his son. Lloyd tried to steal the candy from the village, but the Ninja stopped him. As the Ninja head back to the Monastery, Lloyd accidentally stumbles upon the ancient Serpentine tomb of the Hypnobrai. Slithra, the Hypnobrai general, accidentally hypnotizes himself and Lloyd controls him. Back at the monastery, the Ninja tried to have a tournament to ser who was the destined Green Ninja, bit Kai almost sets the place on fire with his sword. The sensei scolds the Ninja, and Lloyd takes over Jamanakai Village where Nya is at the moment. The Ninja rush off to save her and find the entire village was hypnotized by the snakes. The Ninja fight and the snakes retreat, except Skales who partially hypnotized Cole. The Ninja and Nya, along with Sensei, head back to the monetary to train against Lloyd and the Serpentine.


Back in training mode with the looming threat of Lloyd and the Hypnobrai, Zane wanders after a Falcon and finds Lloyd's new base (a playhouse he commanded the hypnotized leader to build). The Ninja succeed in destroying the base, though they are nearly thwarted by a hypnotized Cole. They are only saved by Sensei Wu's use of the ancient Sacred Flute, used to drive the Serpentine underground, to break Cole's hypnosis. But then the Hypnobrai leader is defeated by his treacherous second-in-command Skales, who steals back the staff, sends Lloyd away, and destroys the Monastery. Homeless, the Ninja are guided by the Falcon to a wrecked ship, the Destiny's Bounty.

Note: First Appearance of The Bounty


Lloyd unlocks a second tribe - The Fangpyre - to help him regain control and have his revenge on the Hypnobrai. The Ninja are busy cleaning and setting up their new HQ aboard the Destiny's Bounty with modern features, but are called into duty when the Fangpyre attack the junkyard where Jay's parents, Ed and Enda, live. The Ninja, especially Jay, must rush to save the pair from the transforming venom of the Fangpyre...

Never trust a Snake

After the Fangpyres join forces with the Hypnobrai, Lloyd releases Pythor - the last remaining snake of the Anacondrai tribe. Pythor, pretending to be his friend, steals a map from him that shows where the two remaining snakes tribes dwell. Sensei Wu then takes Lloyd under his wing.

Note: First appearance of Pythor.

Can of Worms

Lloyd moves in and pranks all the Ninja, turning Zane's suit pink. Meanwhile, Pythor has awoken the Venomari and the Constrictai and plans to unite them under him. In the process, he steals the Sacred Flute. The Ninja go and foil the plan for unity, but are nearly captured. It is only Zane's pink suit that enables them to escape with their mission complete.

The Snake King

After finding the ancient Serpentine city of Ouroboros, Pythor, through a devilish trick, declares himself to be the Snake King, the destined leader who will reawaken The Great Devourer - an ancient, seemingly immortal beast who will consume all of Ninjago. Lloyd sees this, but is discovered and made prisoner. The Ninja, captured by the Serpentine while trying to rescue Lloyd, are saved by Samurai X, a mysterious warrior who fights against the Serpentine, and Kai makes a shocking discovery about his sister...Nya is the samurai!

Tick Tock

When the four Ninja follow the mysterious falcon into the woods, they stumble on a hidden work shop where Zane learns the secret about his past; he is a nindroid designed to 'protect those who cannot protect themselves'. He becomes the first Ninja to unlock his true potential.

Once Bitten, Twice

Jay and Nya have to cut their first date in Mega-Monster Amusement Park short, as the Serpentine arrive to retrieve the first of four fang blades to be used to awaken the Great Devourer. But Jay pricks his hand on the fang of a skeletal Fangpyre, triggering a transformation... Jay finds his true potential in this episode.

Royal Blacksmiths

The four Ninja go undercover as a dance troupe and enter a talent contest in their quest to win “The Blade Cup”, in which one of the fang blades is hidden, taken from its tomb by Clutch Powers. During this, Cole meets his father, the leader of one particularly famous dance troop, who, if anything, is bossier than Sensei Wu. At once point, Cole contemplates stealing the cup, but is berated by his father and decides to make him proud by performing and winning the cup. Cole, saving his father when Pythor collapses the stage while stealing the cup, finds his true potential.

The Green Ninja

The Ninja are suspicious when Lord Garmadon, brought by Sensei Wu from the realm of darkness he fled to, moves in to help searching for his missing son - but realize they have to work together in their attempt to rescue Lloyd from the Serpentine while they dig for the third Fang Blade in the heart of the Fire Temple. Kai, after being held back by his ambition to become the Green Ninja, reaches his true potential and rescues Lloyd. It is also revealed, though Kai's own realization, that Lloyd is the destined Green Ninja. This causes grief to both Wu and Garmadon, since their family has now been further divided.

All of Nothing

At a suggestion from Lloyd to steal back the three Fang Blades as Pythor goes for the fourth, the Ninja and Sensei Wu try to infiltrate the Serpentines’ inner sanctum and walk right into a trap. When Lloyd’s rescue mission fails, there is only one person who can help them, namely Lord Garmadon. In the nick of time, Garamadon comes with the Skeleton Army and they engage in a battle against Pythor and the Serpentine, allowing Lloyd to release the Ninja and get the Fang Blades. Garmadon leaves Lloyd to follow his own path and the Ninja to destroy the Fang Blades, but Pythor follows them in secret...

The Rise of Great Devourer

Upon arriving at Torchfire Mountain, where the Fangblades can be destroyed, Pythor reveals himself and steals the blades back, leaving the Ninja to die. The four, with Wu, Nya (Samurai X) and Lloyd, haste to the lost city of Ouroboros to try to stop Pythor from awaking The Great Devourer, but it is a race against time. After a battle on a Serpentine Truck-fortress, in which Sensei Wu deliberately cuts himself off from the Ninja, all arrive at the city. At last, Pythor succeeds, but Sensei Wu follows him and forces him to see the power he has unleashed. They are then both consumed by the awakened Great Devourer.

Day of the Great Devourer

Disaster threatens as the Ninja must fight to defeat the all consuming Great Devourer in a desperate attempt to save Ninjago. In the end, only Lord Garmadon, using the Four Golden Weapons, can destroy the Devourer. The snake is destroyed and Wu is shown to have survived, but Lord Garmadon vanishes with the Weapons and Lloyd must accept the fact that he must face him one day...

Note: This is the Great Devourer and Pythor's final appearance.

Darkness Shall Rise

The ninja are helping in fixing Ninjago City after the Great Devourer was defeated. Nya informs them that she has found a real-estate agent named Patty Keys who will help them find a place to live. Nya and Sensei Wu than leave to find parts for the Ultra Sonic Raider. Sensei also reminds the ninja that their new mission is to train Lloyd. Meanwhile, Skales along with the other snake-tribe generals attempt to regain the trust of the Serpentine after Pythor’s defeat. However, Lord Garmadon persuades what remains of the Serpentine Army to follow him, and recreates the remains of Destiny’s Bounty into a ship he names “The Black Bounty”. In the meantime, Patty Keys finds an apartment for the ninja called the “Hero Suite” with a training-room suitable to train Lloyd. The apartment is expensive, so the Ninja decide to get jobs to pay for the rent, with Cole as a bank security officer, Jay a pizza delivery man, Kai a child entertainer, and Zane a sushi chef. This goes well in the beginning, but then turns out not so favorable. After stopping the Generals from kidnapping Lloyd and having Skales arrested, they settle for the lower-class flat. Meanwhile Lord Garmadon and the Serpentine fly to the Golden Peaks – birthplace of the Golden Weapons - and fuses the Weapons together into a Mega Weapon. He plans to use it to destroy Sensei and the ninja so they will never be able to train Lloyd, then the prophecy will never be fulfilled…

Note: First appearance of the Mega-Weapon.

Pirates vs Ninja

The Episode begins a few centuries ago, with the pirate crew of the Destiny’s Bounty led by Captain Soto looking for the 'Island of Darkness'. The crew leaves No Eyed Pete to steer the ship when the captain wasn’t noticing, but due to his lack of sight the ship crashes. In the present time, the ninja are training Lloyd in their smaller and more affordable apartment, but looking for a better place to train. On the Black Bounty, Lord Garmadon is discussing the Mega Weapon with the snake-generals, and he tries to use it to destroy the Ultra Dragon, who happens to be flying by. He is outraged when he is unable to destroy the dragon, but discovers Captain Soto’s journal in the ship’s cabin and accidentally resurrects the pirate-crew using the Mega Weapon. Meanwhile, the Ninja find “Grand Sensei Dareth’s Mojo Dojo”. Dareth agrees to let them use his dojo if they defeat him in a battle. Of course they do, and Dareth allows them to use his Dojo. In the meantime Lord Garmadon realizes that the Mega Weapon does not have the power to destroy, only to create, and it also drains his strength every time he uses it, so he needs time to recover. The pirates lock up Garmadon and the snakes. The Ninja start training Lloyd at the dojo, where he demonstrates his extraordinary talents. The Pirates then attack Ninjago City, taking all the money they can get. Sensei Dareth, dressed as the Brown Ninja, jumps on ship but gets captured by the pirates. The ninja go to his rescue, and while battling the pirate captain, Lloyd unlocks his Spinjitzu the first time. The pirates are later arrested, and Lord Garmadon takes back the Black Bounty…

Double Trouble

On board the Black Bounty, Garmadon and his Serpentine Army brainstorm ideas to destroy the Ninja while still using the Mega Weapon's power of Creation, which mostly results in individual Serpentine being thrown overboard. Garmadon, after seeing his own reflection in the Mega-weapon, creates four dark versions of the Ninjas, and sends them to destroy the Ninja. Meanwhile, Jay is trying to teach Lloyd to harness the power of Lightning, when they get word of a ceremony at Darkly's School for "Great Students". But it turns out to be a trap, as the boys kidnap the Ninja and try to turn Lloyd back to their side. The Ninjas escape with the teachers, but are confronted by Garmadon's evil creations, who have been wreaking havoc and assaulted Sensei Wu (the Dark Jay even kissing Nya). Lloyd convinces the boys to be good, and they make Ninja suits and attack the evil Ninjas. After destroying Garmadon's creation, the teachers decide to celebrate. The Ninjas drive back to Ninjago city in the Ultra Sonic Raider, and receive a message from Lord Garmadon saying that he will be back.

Ninjaball Run

When the Ninja learn that Dareth's Mojo Dojo is to be destroyed and Dareth doesn't have the money to save it, our heroes enter the annual NinjaBall Run, a massive road-race across Ninjago, to win its cash prize in order to save the dojo. The Ninja in the Ultra Sonic Raider and on the Ultra Dragon, their opposition include: the Serpentine Bus, who have just broken Skales out of jail, police, The Black Bounty, Kruncha and Nuckal, the royal blacksmiths, Ed and Edna, The boarding school for bad boys,Turbo boosted Mailman bike and the pirate van. The pirates, mailman, and royal blacksmiths crash and are eliminated. The Ninja run out of fuel, but Ed and Edna come and help, they transfer fuel to the Ultra Sonic Raider. The Serpentine jump from the Dark Bounty to the Ultra Sonic Raider in attempt to stop the Ninja. Ed and Edna crash, and Jay takes a part to assure their car crosses the finish line. The Ninja speed on, and are winning, but in the final stretch, Lord Garmadon uses his Mega Weapon to create a giant crevasse in the ground. Kai uses a secret weapon installed by Nya and transfers the Ultra Sonic Raider into its flying form. The race is a photo finish, and the Ninja win thanks to the part Jay took from his parent's car. Garmadon is enraged, since 'his ship is bigger'. But Lloyd takes back the Bounty, and the cops try to arrest the Dark Lord. The Serpentine bus drives in and picks up Garmadon, and Darreth, together with the other Ninja, celebrate the salvation of the Dojo.

Note: Final appearance of Kruncha and Nuckal, together with the Skeletons.

Child's Play

The episode begins with Lloyd lamenting that he must train and not play with others or enjoy his youth. Nya then tells the Ninja that Lord Garmadon has been spotted at the city museum. Once there, Lord Garmadon tells his Serpentine followers that he is going to awaken the long dead Grundle, an ancient dinosaur-like creature, and make it hunt the Ninja. In the middle of this process, the Ninja interrupt. They jump on the fossil, but nothing seems to happen at all. Garmadon leaves in a fury, while the Serpentine Generals try to steal a golden sarcophagus for compensation, though they soon leave it behind. The Ninja go after them, but fall behind, and then realize they have been turned into kids by the Mega-weapon's blast. Accused of the thefts, the Ninja try to perform Spinjitzu, but fail dismally, and then the museum director asks them why the Grundle fossil is gone too. The Ninja realize it must have been reawakened and walked off. To escape, the Ninja disguise themselves and run away with some school kids, while the Grundle reappears and scares everyone from the museum. The Ninja call Lloyd and they meet at the arcade, where Lloyd is shocked at what happened to them. He brings them to a comic writer he knows, Rufus "Mother Doomsday" McCallister, to ask him for advice. The writer tells him that a couple of illuma-swords would work well, as the Grundle is nocturnal, but they must win them in a comic knowledge competition. They call Sensei and Nya and tell them what happened. Sensei and Nya then go to the tea lady Miss Take for Tomorrow Tea to turn the Ninja back into their older selves and the Grundle back into bones. Meanwhile, the Grundle shows up at the comic shop, but using the illuma-swords and Lloyd´s powers they manage to hold the Grundle at bay until Sensei and Nya turn up. Lloyd uses the tea to undo the spell of the Mega-Weapon on the Grundle and the Ninja, but it also makes Lloyd become an older version of himself. The episode ends with Rufus handing Lloyd a comic, saying he has earned it. Lloyd declines, saying he already knows how it ends. It is a comic where Lloyd faces off against his father under the stylized title of "Green Ninja".

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

While training Lloyd, the Ninja find out that the Serpentine have returned to the Lost City of Ouroboros and are preparing their vehicles for an all-out assault. The Ninja, together with Lloyd (who has now begun to harness his immense potential), attack and begin to defeat the Serpentine, with Lloyd freezing Garmadon's Mega-weapon. Retreating, Garmadon comes up with a master plan; he will travel back in time and make sure the Ninja are never brought together, changing history in his favor. As he escapes through the time-portal he wishes into existence, the Ninja follow him. They arrive on the very day Nya was kidnapped and Kai was recruited by Sensei Wu. As he leaves the 4-Weapons shop, the Ninja take Wu aside and tell him what is at stake, so that when the Skeletons arrive, history apparently starts repeating itself. But Garmadon, disguised as a Skeleton, makes sure Nya's kidnapping fails and the Ninja are forced to take matters into their own hands to make sure history runs its course, going as far as kidnapping Nya and handing her over to the Skeletons. But Garmadon joins forces with his past self and goes to the Fire Temple, resting place of the Sword of Fire, and prepares to defeat Kai. The Ninja from the present arrive and fight back, before realizing that the only way to heal the damage done is to destroy the Mega-weapon. Using the Golden Weapons, which Jay has seemingly stolen from their past selves, the Ninja, with the help of Sensei Wu, destroy the Mega-weapon, and everything changes back to the way it was, removing the Mega-weapon from the timeline. When everything resets, no-one but the Ninja seem to remember the Mega-weapon existed, seemingly confirming that their quest has become far easier.

Note: Final appearance of Mega-Weapon, the Golden Weapons, and Samukai.

The Stone Army

As the Serpentine battle in the City of Ouroboros, Garmadon arrives with his master plan; he has remembered the 'Island of Darkness' mentioned in Captain Soto's logs and plans to find it, and use its power for himself. While they are at sea, the Serpentine Generals betray him, throwing him from their Rattlecopter into the sea, and Skales is declared their leader. Meanwhile, the Ninja are called to the Museum of History to confront a strange force; venom from the Great Devourer has leaked into the sewers and brought a mass of tiny stone warriors to life. The Ninja easily defeat them, then meet up with Sensei Wu and Misako, who is revealed to be Lloyd's mother. Lloyd, bitter about Misako apparently abandoning him, finds out that his mother has been trying to find a way of restoring the balance without endangering either Lloyd or Garmadon. To this end, she reveals the full story of Ninjago; in the beginning, there was the First Spinjitzu Master, but against him was pitted a being called the Overlord, the first and greatest dark power. The Overlord created the Stone Warriors to aid him in battle, and, to prevent good losing the battle, the First Spinjitzu Master split the land he had created in two, with the Overlord trapped on the dark half of Ninjago, which vanished. Even as Misako is explaining, the venom of the Devourer brings a huge, four-armed stone warrior to life. It immediately goes on the rampage and pursues the Ninja through the museum. Thankfully, they coordinate and trick the Stone Warrior into toppling down the bottomless pit where he was found. After this, Misako joines the group. Meanwhile, Garmadon washes up on an unknown tropical island and is guided by an unseen force to a stone monument atop the island, with four levers perfectly suited for him. He turns them, and the other half of Ninjago, corrupted by the Overlord's shadow, rises around him.

Note: First appearance of Misako, the Stone Army, and the Overlord.

The Day Ninjago Stood Still

Skales is crowned as the Snake King, and as his first act he plans to destroy the foundations of Ninjago, bringing it down around the population. At the Mojo Dojo, Lloyd is continuing his training, while Sensei Wu and Misako prepare to go over her research on the prophecy; Wu is slightly uncomfortable because of her relationship with Garmadon and the fact that he could have been her husband. Everything is stopped when the Serpentine begin their destructive campaign, sending the city into chaos. But the Serpentine come up against a barrier, an ancient door inscribed with carvings which look like Skales. He finds a switch which opens the doorway, revealing a vault where the Stone Army rest. The Great Devourer's venom melts through the roof of the vault and starts dripping on the statues, bringing them to life. They defeat the Serpentine and exit the vault, which closes behind them, trapping Skales and his people underground once again. The Stone Army rises and the city begins to evacuate, with the Ninja providing transport for those left behind, including comic-book writer Rufus, Dareth and the Bank Manager. The Ninja, with Lloyd, Nya and the Ultra Dragon, gather the people and flee Ninjago City, though Misako stays behind to get her research and she and Sensei Wu are nearly left behind. Meanwhile, on the Dark Island, Garmadon is guided to an ancient orrery-like clock, designed to count down to the final battle. Garmadon dons the so-called Helmet of Shadows, which both starts the clock and gives him command over the Stone Army.

Note: Last appearance of the Serpentine.

The Last Voyage

On the Dark Island, the Stone Army is preparing for their war on Ninjago, mining a mysterious goo that the Overlord says is concentrated Evil. He tells Garmadon that they need a superweapon unlike anything ever seen. Back in Ninjago, Zane sends his falcon to investigate the island. while the other Ninja and Nya try to repair the Bounty. It is hopeless, and the Ninja despair of defeating the Stone Army. It is then that Misako tells them of the Temple of Light, where the Golden Weapons were imbued with their powers. There, the Ninja can unlock their True Potential on their own and supercharge Lloyd, enabling him to defeat the Stone Army. They set sail for the Dark Island on the Bounty, leaving Dareth to guard the escapees from Ninjago. During the voyage, the falcon reaches the Dark Island and all are witness to it being attacked and seemingly destroyed. The Bounty is then struck by a storm and attacked by starteeth, vicious ship-eating creatures that leave the Bounty without any steering, a damaged mast and a hole in their side. They eventually run aground on an uncharted island with a lighthouse. There, they find Zane's father, the Tinkerer. While he entertains them, the Tinkerer explains that after he flicked Zane's memory switch and died, Samukai arrived and brought him back to life, forcing him to construct their advanced war machines. To make sure he did not escape from the island, the Skeletons chained a Leviathan to keep guard. Though Zane is glad to see his father again, the Tinkerer was always afraid that Zane might be ashamed of him for creating the weapons for the Skeleton Army, but Zane soon dispels his fears. Zane's father agrees to repair the Bounty, but just as they are setting off, the Leviathan attacks. Zane dives overboard and cuts the chain holding the creature in place. In return for this, the Leviathan releases the Bounty. When asked by Sensei Wu how he knew the creature would do that, Zane explains that nothing deserves to be held captive, even a monster. With the creature freed and the Tinkerer on board, the Bounty, once again airborne, continues its journey to the Dark Island.

Island of Darkness

The Ninja finally arrive on the Dark Island, where the Stone Army prepares for the final battle and Garmadon mines Dark Matter, the purest of evil from the heart of the island, to build a superweapon that can turn the tide of the war. Meanwhile, the Ninja learn that the Temple of Light is where they can both receive their elemental powers and where Lloyd can gain the skill of the Golden Dragon, a fighting style practiced only by the First Spinjitzu Master, after striking the 'Instrument of Peace'. The Tinkerer and Nya meanwhile builds the Ninja new vehicles: a drill-tank for Cole and a robot for Kai. As the Stone Army searches for them and Sensei Wu, Misako, the Tinkerer and Lloyd guard the hidden Bounty, the Ninja infiltrate Garmadon's camp and Zane finds and retrieves his falcon, with Jay locating the Temple while he is gone. Zane succeeds, but is spotted and the Ninja have to save him. Running from the army, they narrowly escape and go back to get the machines. The Ninja head for the Temple of Light, narrowly avoiding capture by the Stone Army. Inside the temple, they find murals depicting all their major victories, and they find a great bell hanging above a strange design on the floor where the Ninjas' symbols reside. Lloyd strikes the bell, the 'Instrument of Peace', and activates the power of the Temple, gifting the four Ninja with elemental swords and kimonos. They then feed their power into Lloyd just as the Stone Army attacks, imbuing him with his full power. With their new powers, the Stone Army is defeated and the Ninja get ready to face the final battle. But the Celestial Clock is still counting down, and the Overlord tells Garmadon that when it reaches zero, there will be nothing to prevent darkness from winning...

The Last Hope

Hope has been fully restored for the Ninja, who play with their renewed powers, while the Tinkerer repairs the Falcon. But when Wu chastises the Ninja for their unseemly mirth for their victory over the army, Misako reveals that there might be a way of at least delaying the battle: if the Helmet of Shadows is returned to its pedestal, the countdown might stop. Risking everything, the Ninja escort Misako into the camp as Stone Warriors. Using her slight influence over Garmadon, Misako manages to get him to remove the Helmet, allowing her to steal it. But the Ninja are spotted and Garmadon, enraged, uses a giant robot to attack them. After a frantic chase through the jungle, the robot is wrecked and Lloyd is given the chance to kill his father. But he is unable to, just as Garmadon is unable to attack his son, much to the Overlord's chagrin. The Ninja get to the Celestial Clock and try desperately to find the Helmet's pedestal with minutes to spare. As the Army arrive, the Ninja find the pedestal and the Clock stops, but too late. The countdown has ended and the Final Battle is upon them. As a mighty energy flare shoots inland from the clock, the Stone Army captures Nya and the Ninja are sent down into a crevasse. They head off to prepare for the final battle, with Jay angered at Nya's capture and Lloyd ashamed of his hesitation. Meanwhile, the Overlord shows Garmadon the superweapon, completed by the energy from the Clock: the Garmatron...!

Return of the Overlord

The Ninja launch a rescue mission to get Nya and fight Garmadon once and for all. But when they arrive, they find the Stone Army, Garmadon, Nya and the new superweapon have gone to the coast. The reason for this becomes clear: Garmadon is planning to fire missiles of darkness into Ninjago, gradually turning it into his own image. The Ninja follow, but are stopped and held up by Nya, who has been polluted with Dark Matter and turned into a slave of the Overlord. They eventually overcome and imprison her, then go to the coast and try to reason with Garmadon. The group try, but Garmadon says he cannot suppress his evil and the Ninja are not in time to stop the firing of the dark missiles from the Garmatron. The balance is shifted as Ninjago is infected by darkness, and the Overlord betrays Garmadon, using him to retake a physical form and transforming him into a crocodile-like monster. The Ninla realise the real Dark Lord wasn't Garmadon, it was the Overlord. The reincarnated Overlord attacks Lloyd, who fights with him and tries to bring back his father. Garmadon tries, but the Overlord suppresses him and defeats Lloyd, wrecking the Destiny's Bounty in the progress. The Overlord then opens a portal to Ninjago City and goes through with the Garmatron, along with the Stone Army (and Nya). The Ninja are now stranded on the Dark Island, but Lloyd says, after spying a piece of their ship with the 'Destiny' symbol on it: "We didn't lose the war, today we just lost the fight."

Note: Last Appearance of Bounty

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Rise of the Spinjitzu Master

As the Overlord transforms Ninjago, the Ninja, together with an injured Lloyd, are guided by the Falcon to the Temple of Light. Once there, they find an ancient mech that the First Spinjitzu Master used to fight the Overlord. With the arrival of the Ultra Dragon, the group fly back to Ninjago and find the city completely infected and the Overlord atop a dark tower, morphed into his true dragon-like form. The Ninja fight the Stone Army, but the ancient mech is destroyed by Nya and they are forced to fight on the ground. But they are saved by Dareth, who dons the Helmet of Shadows and gains control of the Army, sending them against the Overlord. Lloyd and the Ninja climb the tower, with Cole and Jay being infected by the Overlord with darkness. Lloyd is forced to go on alone as Zane fights the two infected Ninja and Kai fights his still-enslaved sister. Facing the Overlord, Lloyd summons the Golden Dragon and his armor becomes golden, denoting that he has become the next true Spinjitzu Master. Lloyd and the Overlord fight, with the Overlord saying that he can never be defeated, as light is always balanced with darkness. Lloyd finally allows himself to be consumed by the Overlord and unleashes a burst of light, dispersing the Overlord and purging the shadow from Ninjago and all its inhabitants (including Nya, Cole, Jay, and Zane). As the group gathers together again, Lloyd mourns the loss of his father, only to see him emerging from the rubble, purged of both the Overlord's darkness and the Great Devourer's venom. As Lloyd, Garmadon and Misako have a private family reunion, the four Ninja vow that, even with the Overlord defeated at last, they will continue to protect Ninjago. The Ninjas and Nya come together, along with Garmadon's family. The episode ends with Sensei Wu and Kai looking at the sun rising above the liberated city.

Note: Overlord's last appearance.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Zane's Falcon

The Falcon is a character in Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu. Although it initially appears to be a simple bird of prey, it quickly forms a bond with Zane, leading him and the other Ninja to new discoveries.

Later in the series, the Falcon is revealed to be a robot, created by Dr. Julian as a companion for Zane, who was a robot himself. From then on, it became a direct ally of the Ninja, serving as Zane's pet and a long-range scout.


The Falcon first appeared outside the Monastary of Spinjitzu, perched on a tree near the dumpster out back. It copied Zane's movements when he came to take out the trash before flying off. Intrigued by the strange bird, Zane followed the Falcon, allowing the mysterious bird to lead him to Lloyd's Treehouse Fortress in the Wilderness.

When the Ninja arrived at the fortress the next morning, they questioned Zane on how he found Lloyd's new base. They were skeptical when Zane explained that he had followed a bird; Jay jokingly asked if it was "a cuckoo bird," but Zane missed the joke, noting that cuckoos were not native to the forest.

After the Monastary was burned down, Zane noticed the Falcon once again while his comrades berated him for leaving their home unguarded. Riding his dragon, Shard, he followed the bird to the Sea of Sand, where he discovered the Destiny's Bounty.

Never Trust A Snake

The Falcon appeared in Zane's dreams one night, where it spoke to him from its perch on a powerline. Near the end of the dream, it perched on the Green Ninja's arm, leading Zane to believe that he was destined to become the legendary warrior.

Tick Tock

While the Ninja were putting up signs in Jamanakai Village Zane spotted the Falcon and convinced his friends to help him follow it. The Falcon led them through different terrain, with each Ninja tiring out and telling the others to go on without them. By the time the bird reached Birchwood Forest, Zane and Kai were the only ones left, and the latter offered to wait for the others at the edge of the forest while he caught his breath. Zane continued to follow the Falcon until it dropped to the ground and began sparking, revealing its robotic nature. As a bewildered Zane picked up the mechanical bird, he noticed a strange symbol on its back.

After fending off the Giant Robot, Zane discovered the same symbol carved into a large birch tree. The symbol marked the doorway of the Hidden Workshop, where Zane found the Falcon's blueprints and used them to repair his robotic friend. As the Falcon flew into the depths of the workshop, Zane also discovered his own blueprints, realizing that he was also a robot. After he viewed his memories (including some of Dr. Julien creating the Falcon), Zane came to terms with his true nature, and the Falcon briefly perched on his arm as he regained his resolve.

All Of Nothing

While the Ninja were training for the Serpentine attack, Zane demonstrated his use of Falcon Vision as a counter to the special ability of the Venomari. The Falcon accompanied Zane and the others to the Serpentine's Underground Fortress, circling high above the battle. When Zane was sprayed with Venomari Venom, he engaged Falcon Vision to circumvent the hallucinatory effects, allowing him to battle the Serpentine normally.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

The Falcon arrived at the Destiny's Bounty with footage of the Serpentine in the City of Ouroboros.

The Day Ninjago Stood Still

When strong earthquakes sent Ninjago City into a state of panic, Zane sent the Falcon into the city to scout for danger. During its patrol, the mechanical bird spotted a Stone Swordsman wandering around the city, heralding a full-scale invasion of the indestructible warriors. The Falcon retreated to the Destiny's Bounty as the Ninja and the citizens fled the overrun city.

The Last Voyage

Zane was worried about the Falcon as he had not heard from it in a while, though suddenly his Falcon Vision activated, and he rushed to the bridge and connected his vision to the screen in order to show the Ninja as well.

The Falcon had arrived at the Island of Darkness and was watching the Stone Warriors, however, one of the Stone Warriors sent a projectile at the Falcon, which abruptly ended the transmission.

Island Of Darkness

When the Ninja arrived at the edge of Lord Garmadon's camp to search for the Tenple of Light, Zane spotted his Falcon in one of the enclosures. Despite the risk to himself and their mission, he snuck into the camp and retrieved it. He was spotted after grabbing the Falcon, but he and the Ninja narrowly escaped with the mechanical bird in tow.

The Last Hope

Dr. Julien began repairing the Falcon after it was returned to him, continuing to work on it after the Ninja successfully enhanced their powers at the Temple of Light. The mechanical bird was functional once again by the time the Ninja and Misako attempted to steal the Helmet of Shadows from Lord Garmadon. It observed their progress and alerted Nya when their cover was blown, allowing her to drive the Earth Driller to the camp in time to evacuate her allies.

Return Of The Overlord

When the Ninja and their allies charged Lord Garmadon's camp, the Falcon flew ahead to scout the area. After the heroes realized that the camp was abandoned, the Falcon led them to a broken section of the wall, where massive tread marks and a path of destruction in the forest indicated that the Garmatron had left for the coast.

Rise Of The Spinjitzu Master

Following the Overlord's escape to Ninjago City, the Falcon led the Ninja to the Temple of Light, where they discovered the Golden Mech, It is unknown what happened to the Falcon afterwards, but it seems to have remained on the Island of Darkness while the Ninja set off to confront the Overlord.

Earth Dragon (Rocky)

The Earth Dragon (nicknamed Rocky by Cole) was the Dragon Guardian of the Scythe of Quakes and Cole's pet.

Sensei Wu placed the Earth Dragon as a guard of the Scythe of Quakes in the Caves of Despair. The Scythe was placed in the Dragon's mouth.

Many, many years later, the Earth Dragon was awoken when four ninja, Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane, removed the Scythe from his mouth. He scared off Samukai's skeleton army, and proceeded to assault the Ninja in order to protect the weapon. Kai ended up using the Scythe to cause a cave in, bringing down rocks on the Dragon's head. This only served to slow the beast down, but the Ninja were still able to escape. Later, the Ninja used him as a mount for Cole in order to cross over to The Underworld to recapture the weapons.

The Earth dragon has a very rocky skin, so much so that he could camouflage himself as a pile of rocks with ease. He has large brown wings with holes in them, and a spiked tail.

In the set, 2509 Earth Dragon Defense, he is missing the wings, but instead has a green frill around his neck. He is one of two Dragons whose forelegs are separate from his wings, the other being the Lightning Dragon. He is the only Dragon with a different head design from all the others.

  • The Earth Dragon lacks wings in its LEGO set appearance despite it having wings in the TV show.
  • He has a different head shape than the other Dragons.
  • He was the first Dragon that was encountered.
  • He appeared in Lego Battles: Ninjago as a Goliath Battle Mode boss.
  • Cole is very close to Rocky, more than Jay, Kai and Zane are to Wisp, Flame and Shard.

Ice Dragon (Shard)

The Ice Dragon (nicknamed Shard by     Zane) is the guardian Dragon of the Shurikens of Ice and Zane's pet.

The Ice Dragon was placed in the Frozen Wasteland to guard the Shurikens of Ice by Sensei Wu.

When the Ninja arrived at the Frozen Wasteland, they discovered the Shurikens of Ice, guarded by the Ice Dragon. They took the Shurikens but Zane was frozen in the process. They slid out, running from the Dragon, and hit an ice colomn, where the ice surrounding Zane was broken. Later, when Nya and Kai escaped the Fire Temple, the Dragon, along with the other three, was brought and ridden by Zane into the Underworld.

The dragon appears again in Ninjago: Rise of the Snakes, nicknamed "Shard." He helps guard the Shurikens of Ice, which are now in the possession of Zane. Shard also helps put out the fire of the Monastery in Episode 2: Home.

Ice Dragons, like all dragons, live in both Ninjago and The Underworld. Their breath weapon is Ice. They live in cold climates. In its LEGO set, it is the smallest dragon. It only has 3 wing blades for each arm and no saddle.


Fire Dragon (Flame)

The Fire Dragon (named Flame by Kai) is the Dragon Guardian of the Sword of Fire and Kai's pet.

The Fire Dragon was placed in the Fire Temple by Sensei Wu to guard the Sword of Fire.

When Kai discovered the Fire Temple, and after Sensei Wu went into the Underworld, the Fire Dragon was discovered. When the other Ninja arrived, Nya and Kai had already brought the other three Dragons to the temple so that they could ride into the Underworld to rescue Sensei Wu.

This Dragon still appears in Ninjago: Rise of the Snakes, nicknamed Flame. He is still guarding the Sword of Fire, which Kai now has in his possession. Flame and the other three Dragons left the Ninja while molting to become the Ultra Dragon.

The Fire Dragon is used to living in hot climates. He can swim in lava and travel into the Underworld. His skin is red and orange and may possibly be hot.

  • The Fire Dragon was the first Dragon to be ridden during their search for the Golden Weapons.
  • The Fire Dragon, along with the other Dragons, perform a different type of Spinjitzu when they are about to enter the Underworld.
  • The Fire Dragon, like the Ice Dragon, would be more accurately classified as awyvern because it only possesses two hind legs, while the forelegs are part of the wing's body structure.
  • He appeared in Lego Battles: Ninjago, as a Story Mode boss.

Lightning Dragon (Wisp)

The Lightning Dragon (nicknamed Wisp by Jay) is the guardian Dragon of the Nuchucks of Lightning, and Jay's pet.

The Lightning Dragon was placed in the Floating Ruins by Sensei Wu to guard the Nunchucks of Lightning.

When the Ninja found the Nunchucks of Lightning on top of the Floating Ruins, the Lightning Dragon appeared. The Ninja escaped from there and the Lightning Dragon did not follow. When Kai and Nya escaped the Fire Temple, they brought the Lightning Dragon, along with the other Dragons, to the temple. Jay eventually rode the Dragon into the Underworld.

The Lightning Dragon has appeared in Ninjago: Rise of the Snakes. He helped guard the Nunchucks of Lightning, which were in the possession of Jay, until he had to travel to the Spirit Coves and became part of the Ultra Dragon.   According to Jay in episode 3, Snakebit, the Dragon's name is Wisp.

In its LEGO set, the Lightning Dragon looks similar to the Ice Dragon except that it has four legs, it is a darker blue, Jay sits on a saddle-like structure, and its tail is wider and can bend in different directions. The Lightning Dragon is the only dragon to have six limbs in the set.

  • The Lightning Dragon appears to travel close to the speed of light, as he appeared in a flash of lightning atop the Floating Ruins.
  • He is the biggest Dragon aside from the Ultra Dragon.
  • According to the Ninjago: The Official Guide, Jay created an amplifier to make it's roar louder as a gift before it agreed to help them find a way into the Underworld.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sensei Wu

Sensei Wu is the youngest son of the First Spinjitzu Master. In Wu's childhood, he and Garmadon were the best of friends. One day in his youth, Wu lost his father's katana during a spar, and Garmadon climbed over the wall to retrieve it. While outside, the Great Devourer bit Garmadon's hand, corrupting him with it's venom. As a result of the growing evil within him, Garmadon became increasingly distant from his family, but he and Wu would remain civil with each other for some time. When Garmadon married Misako and fathered Lloyd, Wu was happy for his brother, but also somewhat melancholy, as he personally harbored some affection for Misako. 

After their father died, Wu and Garmadon vowed to protect the Golden Weapons. Garmadon, however, planned to steal the Golden Weapons, but when he tried, Wu confronted him and they fought. Wu won the battle and banished Garmadon to the Underworld. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Samurai X (Nya)

Samurai X has a gunmetal samurai helmet, with a bucket handle piece on top in the place of horns and a red face mask. She also has gunmetal samurai shoulder pads with with a red armor suit underneath. In the show, she wears a pair of goggles over her eyes and her bracelet on her right arm.

Likewise, an in-show indicator of being Samurai X was her bracelet. 

Ironically, Jay seemed to hate the Samurai the most, even though he actually has a crush on Nya. He later accepts the truth calmly after he and Nya reveal their feelings for one another and he discovers identity. At first, not much is known about the character until it is revealed in the episode "The Snake King" that it is Nya's alter-ego.

Lloyd, Ninja of Fire, Ice, Earth, and Lightning

Throughout his life, one constant of Lloyd's personality was his love for his father, Lord Garmadon. It was a desire to follow in his evil parent's footsteps that drove him to enroll in Darkley's - and later, to unleash the Serpentine upon Ninjago.

However, his attempts to become the next evil overlord of Ninjago were largely stymied by his inherently good personality - Lloyd's idea of "evil" was stealing candy, pulling pranks, and overseeing Ninjago from within a treehouse fortress, with his best attempt at an evil laugh being a rather melodramatic "Muhahahaha!" Lloyd's lack of true evil also showed in his demeanor around his Serpentine "minions"; he usually went along with whatever ideas they concocted, and was quick to call a retreat if the battle turned even slightly against his allies. 

After being betrayed by Pythor and taking up residence on the Destiny's Bounty, Lloyd's true nature began to emerge. Having been turned from the path of evil by Sensei Wu's guidance, he turned his thoughts to stopping the Serpentine threat (partially out of guilt for releasing the first three tribes in the first place). He retained a mischievous streak for a time, but quickly grew out of it after being forced to clean up the messes his pranks left. He also became eager to help the Ninja in any way he could, but his lack of combat talents and  inexperience with battling the Serpentine meant that he was relegated to the ship during their missions. This desire to help led to Lloyd's capture when he blew his cover at the City of Ouroboros.

The revelation that he was destined to become the Green Ninja further increased Lloyd's eagerness to help - to his chagrin, this only meant that the Ninja had even less incentive to take him on missions. He was also forced to confront the fact that he was now destined to fight his father, Lord Garmadon, for the fate of Ninjago, causing him to alternate between regret and hostility towards the four-armed villain. Despite this, Lloyd continued to love his father even if he had to fight his own father.

Lloyd underwent his most dramatic personality shift yet when he was aged to a teenager by the Tomorrow's Tea. He became much more serious and calm than before, dedicating himself to his training and becoming a true member of the Ninja team. However, his misgivings about confronting his father grew stronger, forcing Sensei Wu and Misako to constantly remind him that he had no other choice. Despite this, Lloyd was unable to overcome his love for his father, leading to him failing to destroy Lord Garmadon when the latter was vulnerable. It was only when the Overlord took complete control of Garmadon's body was Lloyd able to discard his misgivings and access his full power.

Initially, Lloyd was a young boy with a blonde "bowlcut" hairstyle. He wore black pants, a purple sash around his waist, and a black shirt with white markings on it. When his destiny as the Green Ninja was revealed, Lloyd wore the green gi of the Chosen One. 

After the Grundle incident exposed him to the aging effects of Tomorrow's Tea, Lloyd became a young teenager (around the same age as the other Ninja) with a deeper voice and a new hairstyle. He continued to wear his Green Ninja gi, with the addition of chest and shoulder armor similar to the other ZX Ninja.

Lloyd is also good at video games, beating all of Kai's high scores in "Fist to Face 2" and told Kai that Cole had beat all of his high scores instead of telling Kai it was really him.

In the show, Lloyd rarely uses any weapons; his younger self tended to stay behind the front lines while his allies (first the Serpentine, then the Ninja) did the fighting. After becoming a ninja, he briefly wielded a Nin-Jo against Pythor in "Rise of the Great Devourer", but generally remained out of direct combat. His older self continued to favor Spinjitzu, martial arts, and his elemental powers in battle, but he also briefly commanded the Golden Mech after its discovery in the Temple of Light. During his final battle with the Overlord, Lloyd also summoned the Golden Dragon to aid him in pursuing the villain in the skies.

Lloyd's dominant element is Lightning, explaining why he was shown using the Nunchucks of Lightning in Zane's dream. It also parallels Lord Garmadon, whose dominant element is Dark Lightning.

Lloyd's role as a hero is foreshadowed by the small green "5" on the black shirt he wears in his early appearances. The color of the "5" refers to his destiny as the Green Ninja, while the number itself refers to how he will be the fifth member of the Ninja team.
He has little knowledge on how to use the Destiny's Bounty, as shown in "All of Nothing" and "The Rise of the Great Devourer."
Lloyd's teenaged form has the same hair-piece as Lord Garmadon's "purified" form.

Lloyd is the most powerful ninja on the team.

Zane, Ninja of Ice

Zane is the most reserved and serious of the Ninja. He has little understanding of humor or even basic social conventions. He also has a very strong bond with Sensei Wu, being the most polite and respectful towards him. The other Ninja are occasionally wary of his strange habits, but they quickly learn to accept him for it regardless.

Initially, Zane was melancholy over his inability to remember his parentage or where he came from. He eventually accepted that the Ninja were his family and that their home was his home as well, but he never truly gave up on finding details of his past. Upon learning his origins, he was briefly struck in shock and depression, only to overcome his feelings and accept his robotic nature when he restored his memories. When he eventually reunited with his father/creator, Dr. Julien, he readily accepted him as his father.

Usually seen in white clothing, Zane has a light blond, tall flattop haircut. He has a control panel in his chest which he can open up. He also has a set of switches in his arm. 

Zane was the first to unlock his True Potential.
Jay calls him a Nindroid instead of a robot (Nindroid is a compound word combining Ninja and Droid together). 
Zane can also sense what others cannot.

Zane's affinity for Ice allows him to freeze objects to varying degrees and perform a chilly Spinjitzu attack. He generally prefers Shurikens in battle, especially the Shurikens of Ice. He has also wielded a katana, a spear, and a flail at times, and eventually gains an Elemental Blade that channels his Ice powers.

Zane also has a strong bond with his Falcon.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Nya, Sister of Fire

"Fire up the engines. I said fire up the engines!"
— Nya to Lloyd
Favorite WeaponGolden Nick Daggers
Voice ActorKelly Metzger
Nya is the younger sister of Kai, and Samurai is her alter-ego. At one point, Sensei Wu was considering training her to be a full-fledged ninja, although this changed when she assumed the role of Samurai X instead. Nya is currently dating Jay.


Nya has short black hair fashioned in a bob cut, red lipstick, and small dimples on her cheeks. She typically wears clothing in various shades of red. In the show, she wears a large golden bracelet with a red jewel on her left arm. In the Spinjitzu Spinnersgame, she has a red bandanna tied around the lower half of her face.


Although she is not a ninja, she is very capable of defending herself. She doesn't like the fact that so much focus is put on the Ninja, so she resolved to become a hero in her own way, which she did by becoming Samurai X. Sometimes she gets annoyed by Kai's protectiveness, but their bond as siblings is strong. Many episodes reveal she is highly intelligent, as she was able to create the Samurai armor and technology, and she was able to pinpoint the location of Serpentine tombs. At first it seemed that Nya was unaware of Jay's crush on her, although by Once Bitten, Twice Shy it is revealed she returns his feelings.

Abilities And Weapons

Despite a lack of formal Ninja training, Nya is a competent fighter, wielding a Nin-Jo against the Skulkin when they attacked the blacksmith shop. She also develops a talent for engineering and operating machinery, building her Samurai X gear and the Samurai Mech in her spare time without any of the others noticing and modifying the Ultra Sonic Raider to give it a flight mode. Nya also helped Dr. Julien construct the Fire Mech and the Earth Driller. She is a skilled pilot, being the de facto operator of the Destiny's Bounty and the Samurai Mech.

After being corrupted by Dark Matter, Nya displays the ability to perform Spinjitzu, creating a crimson energy tornado that can knock the Ninja around. She wields a spiked flail and sharp throwing needles in combat, and the evil suffusing her being has made her completely ruthless and willing to destroy her former allies.


  • Her favorite color is blue.
  • She is severely allergic to perfume.
  • It is revealed in "Double Trouble" that Nya has a part time job in the Auto Body Shop.

Kai, Ninja of Fire

"No. There's only one green ninja. This is your fight."
— Kai
Favorite WeaponSword of Fire
First AppearanceWay of the Ninja
2258 Ninja Ambush
Voice ActorVincent Tong

Kai is a major protagonist in LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu. He is the Red Ninja of Fire, and Nya is his younger sister. He and his teammates were chosen to protect the Green Ninja. He was the last Ninja to join the team, and the last to unlock his True Potential.

Kai's Early Life

Kai was born in Ignacia, the first son of a blacksmith who owned the Four Weapons shop. He and his younger sister Nya were raised in their father's craft. When his father died, Kai took it upon himself to keep the family business going, vowing to surpass his father's smithing skills.


Typically preferring red attire, Kai has brown, spiky hair. He is often seen with a focused expression on his battle-scarred face, a slight notch visible on his left eyebrow.


Fittingly for his elemental affinity, Kai is very hotheaded, prone to taking action before he thinks things through. He is capable of making careful observations when the need arises, but his emotions often override his caution. His single-mindedness made interaction with his teammates difficult at first (especially due to his worry about Nya), but he eventually learned to work with the other Ninja. He can be arrogant at times, insisting that he is better than his peers and growing depressed when he seems to be lagging behind their training.

Kai also has something of a stubborn side, believing that he is in the right until overwhelming evidence to the contrary is presented. This is especially pronounced during Lord Garmadon's stay on the Destiny's Bounty; Kai repeatedly accused the four-armed villain of treachery or plotting despite Garmadon's insistence that saving Lloyd was his primary concern at the time. On the other hand, Kai's stubborn streak lends him incredible determination that allows him to bolster the team's spirit in the face of impossible odds.

The most prevalent facet of Kai's personality is his dedication to people he cares about - if someone can earn his friendship, he will stop at nothing to protect them. Much of his stubbornness and recklessness are due to his desire to help his loved ones, either directly or by becoming strong enough to defeat anyone who might threaten them with their plans. In turn, his friends and family work to balance out Kai's more extreme traits, causing him to become a levelheaded mentor for Lloyd by the time he and his comrades begin training the Green Ninja.


Kai favors swords in combat, taking up a curved silver blade against the Skulkin when they attacked his shop. He used the Sword of Fire as his primary weapon until it was lost, and then switched to wielding regular katanas. He eventually gained an Elemental Blade that allowed him to harness his fire abilities to an even greater degree.


  • Kai is the last Ninja to join the team, the last to claim his Golden Weapon, and the last to unlock his True Potential. On the other hand, he was the first Ninja introduced in the series and the first to befriend his respective dragon.
  • He appears to have a fear of Christmas-related themes, as shown in "Can of Worms," when the Venomari's venom causes him to see things like gingerbread men.
  • Of all the ninja, he seems to care about Lloyd the most.
  • For the first two months of his life his parents called him Ash.
  • Kai once by accident forged a weapon called a 'Swingana' … Part yo-yo part sword. It was not a big success.
  • When Kai uses his elemental power in a vehicle, it gets powered up and engulfed in flames … which is why flying a hang glider is a bad idea.
  • Once Kai singed off his eyebrows with the sword of fire. But no one noticed because he painted the back on with a black marker.
  • When Kai's sister Nya was a baby, he used to juggle hammers to entertain her. When he dropped one on his foot she laughed the hardest.